Our Programs serve our purpose
Preservation and sustainable development of WA native forests with a focus on improving honey production.
Honeybees thrive where they are safe and in return produce healthy honey. The management, preservation and restocking of existing forests as an ecosystem and natural habitat where honeybees co-exists with other native species is important. Our focus is preserving, managing and restocking the forest to provide a safe environment for honeybees. This program also improves the quality of human life by soaking up pollution and dust from the air, rebuild natural habitats and ecosystems, and mitigate climate change by capturing atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Protecting the pollinators – Biosecurity efforts towards protecting WA bees
Honeybees thrive where they are safe and in return pollinate the plants that provide food security. Our biosecurity efforts are towards ensuring WA maintains its high biosecurity standards in keeping WA free from new biosecurity threats that affect honeybees and the native forests. WA is currently the only state in Australia free fromVarroa mite which is known to kill both honeybees and native bees.
Research towards WA native trees in relation to honey, nectar and pollen
The endemic forests of WA provide a diverse range of opportunities for in relation to honey, nectar and pollen. It is this valuable asset that this program aims to capture. It includes research towards detecting the provenance of honey, nectar and pollen and research towards the health benefits of the products produced from these endemic forests.